Course Outline

Turn off unnecessary services

Flood Ping


  • Sniffit
  • Ettercap
  • Tcpdump

Network monitoring

  • Scanning ports (nmap, nessus)
  • LAN traffic monitor (iptraf)
  • Monitoring changes in Ethernet network interface cards, and IP number by users (arpwatch)
  • Dump traffic on a network (tcpdump)

Logging packets

  • Log packets from the use of mechanisms NetFilters and iptables
  • IP Protocols Logger (ippl)

Firewall (based on NetFilters and iptables)

  • Packet path through the filters
  • Create your own chains


  • WWW Proxy (Squid)


  • SSLwrap
  • SSH and SCP
  • SSH Tunnelling


  • Obtaining information about the owner of the IP address and domain
  • Alert the authorities of a breach of the law


Knowledge of any Unix-like system, and the basic structure of TCP / IP networks.

 14 Hours

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