Course Outline


  • What is white-label development?
  • How can people benefit from white-label services?

Overview of Netflix Features and Architecture

  • Understanding how Netflix works
  • Introduction to core Netflix features

Getting Started with Netflix Clone Design and Development

  • Front-end v.s. back-end responsibilities

Designing and Building the Register and Login Page of a Netflix Clone

  • Creating the necessary input fields and designing the elements

Handling the Netflix Clone Register and Login Pages

  • Managing forms and user data
  • Validating data and instantiating error messages
  • Connecting to the database and utilizing MySQL
  • Implementing account and data storage functionalities

Building and Designing Plan Options and Subscription Package Pages

Integrating Video Preview Features and Adding Sample Images

  • Working with necessary classes and functions
  • Styling the page components and designing other attributes
  • Building interactive features such as overlay, mute and unmute, etc.

Generating Movie and TV Shows Display Functionalities

  • Designing and creating the page background and its components
  • Working with HTML for each entity

Sorting Content with Genre-wise Scripting

  • Implementing SEO principles and adding a genre selection feature

Designing Pages and Constructing Sorting Scripts for Movies/TV Shows Categories

  • Building content for 'TV Shows', 'Movies', and 'Categories' pages

Generating a 'You Might Also Like' Netflix Clone Section

Creating Netflix Clone Entity Pages and Working with Video Properties

  • Coding essential class functions
  • Outputting entity attributes such as run-time, seasons and episodes count, etc.

Building and Designing the Video Page for Watching Clone Contents

  • Creating display functions and button features
  • Sending and retrieving video data from a connected database
  • Working with Ajax for achieving asynchronous data behaviors
  • Initializing the 'Resume' button and other interactive functionalities

Updating Video Attributes such as Status Marks, Progress Timers, and More.

Creating and Designing a Watch List Feature for Netflix Clone

  • Building interactive scripts for adding items to the watch list section

Aligning User Subscription Conditions with Netflix Clone Permissions

  • Adding a 'Download Video' option and linking to the database

Building and Designing an 'Up Next' Overlay

  • Fetching and outputting recommended videos based on user data
  • Styling interface controls and integrating button functionalities
  • Displaying video properties and status marks
  • Getting entity IDs and attaching other features to video previews

Implementing Navigation Features to a Netflix Clone

  • Working with HTML and creating a navigation bar
  • Hiding the navigation bar and applying on-scroll functionalities

Outlining and Creating a Search Page for a Netflix Clone

  • Applying HTML and front-end practices for search page features
  • Writing search queries and utilizing Ajax
  • Implementing instant searching operation and outputting of results

Building and Styling the User Account Page in a Netflix Clone

  • Employing HTML for a profile page and working with text box values
  • Managing page forms and handling submitted user details
  • Monitoring data validity and executing updates when necessary
  • Displaying updates and transaction notifications
  • Handling passwords and adding log out features

Integrating a Netflix Clone with Payment Gateways and Securing Payment Settings

  • Applying credential configurations and working with the platform's SDK
  • Creating an HTML code for subscription
  • Creating billing plans and executing a billing agreement
  • Recording transaction details and managing user profile status
  • Testing the payment system of a Netflix clone

Overview of Multiple Device Support, Screen Casting, and Additional Netflix Clone Features

Implementing Advanced Administration Features to Optimize a Netflix Clone's Performance

  • Building a dashboard for the system
  • Analyzing user data and history for 'Rating' results
  • Viewing and managing subscription payments
  • Adding and managing site settings

Filtering the Netflix Clone Database and Monitoring Video Content Policies

  • Creating geo-blocking attributes

Deploying a Netflix Clone and Setting Up the Server in a Web Host


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of web development workflows
  • Proficiency in essential scripting and programming languages
  • Basic knowledge of web hosting and databases


  • Developers
 35 Hours

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